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Where to start? - With a new project!

So now I'm embarking on my reboot, but where do I start? What do I focus on first with this newfound energy?

There are plenty of things that come to mind

  • new blog posts covering the N+1 problem, the curse (/abuse) of the deadline, and how to ace the technical test.
  • my side projects - and There are any number of things I can do with these side projects to move them forward, subscriptions, features, automations etc
  • finish setting up my rapid application design project
  • and then there is my blog as well - this needs a new layout and a few enhancement

If you think I've just listed a load of things so I can come back and link them to future articles then you're spot on because on-site SEO is also something I want to look into and improve upon.

So it's clear there are plenty of things I can get stuck into but indecision strikes and I can feel the analysis paralysis kicking in, so I need to pick something, anything and start. So, in true indie-hacker style, instead of doing any of the above, I've come up with another project idea and I have already registered a domain name for it and started to spin up a new empty project.

This introduces more possibilities of things to do - a basic MVP, but I'd want a landing page first so I could do lead capture, but I don't have a newsletter system as I haven't upgraded since Twitter (I still can't bring myself to call it X) closed down Revue, so starting to look into a replacement for Revue sounds like a good place to start.

(Yes, that's another list to link up later).

Alas, fate appears to have had other ideas! I went in for lunch and found my wife had started swapping the kid's bedrooms over so I started with breaking up a few old units, followed by a run to drop stuff off at the recycling centre and charity shops, and ending with a well-deserved cup of coffee.

A productive couple of days, albeit not on what I was expecting. I'll get to looking for a replacement for Revue soon - there is always next week!

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Originally published at

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